Tuesday 22 January 2019

January assessment

DIRT January assessment


Name: Brooke Sellick                 Date: 22/01/19

AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media and contexts of media and their influence
AO2 Apply knowledge and understanding (KU) of the theoretical framework of media to:
Analyse media products/ Make judgements and draw conclusions

Questions were: 1.News values and conventions 2. Representation of Ethnicity 3. Technology 4. Shirky/Gerbner

Identify a strength or strengths in your assessment:
In my assessment, I did the best in question 1. I found that I did pretty well at analysing the sources and language rather than the questions about the theorists. I also did well at comparing the two sources against each other and analysing the similarities and differences.

What are the areas you need to improve?
I need to improve on my theorist’s work, and learning all the theories to a decent standard. I also need to improve on the subjects which divide the nation, which would come in handy on question 3 and 4. This includes the subjects of Brexit, politics, immigration etc.

What will you do to improve in your next assessment? Any particular areas or study skills?
I will revise all the theorist’s and their theories to improve my knowledge of them. I will also keep up to date with the news so that I can talk about recent topics in my assessment and know what to talk about in rough detail.

Media Language and Representation

1.      Explain how representations in adverts are constructed, and how they reflect the social and cultural contexts in which they were made. Refer to Source A to support your points.

In this you must include:

·         How issues/individuals/social groups are represented
·         Reference to media language and the way it supports the representation (look at specifics such as typography, layout, etc)
·         How the representations and stereotypes have been influenced by the social and cultural contexts

[20 marks]

2.      Analyse how Big Issue magazine front covers represent social, cultural and/or political events. Use one or more examples you have studied to support your answers.
[20 marks]
In your answer you must:

·         Explore how the combination of elements of media language on the magazine cover influence meaning
·         Analyse the use of intertextuality to create meaning in the source
·         Make judgements and reach a conclusion on the effects of the representations on society

3.      How are the different groups or individuals represented in one music video you have studied?
In your answer you may refer to:
·         How media language has been used to create these representations
·         Whether these representations are underrepresented or misrepresented
·         Positive or negative stereotypes
 [20 marks]

Source A – Axe – From the Unleash the Chaos campaign 2017
25 Creative and Brilliant Advertisement Design Examples for your inspiration

Source A: BBH advertising agency launched the above-the-line brand campaign for Lynx Attract in 2017. The brand includes its first women’s variants with fragrances both "for him" and "for her".https://d.adroll.com/cm/aol/out?advertisable=EGLRSXY5PBGYPN55DR6SBOhttps://d.adroll.com/cm/index/out?advertisable=EGLRSXY5PBGYPN55DR6SBOhttps://d.adroll.com/cm/n/out?advertisable=EGLRSXY5PBGYPN55DR6SBO
End of questions

Analysis of Axe advert, points that could be included:
·         Typography - Unleash the chaos (let go, explode, loosen up, take risks)
·         Fire, fireworks = sex, danger of explosion
·         Face to face equal, both open mouthed
·         Red hair
·         Tight strapless flowery dress – femininity and sex – preoccupied with appearance, not busy with important things?
·         High key colour female lighting
·         Orangey tint throughout
·         Warm female
·         She’s shopping (middle class?) he’s working in a garage, welding job very masculine (working class)
·         Strappy shoes
·         Low angle two shot
·         On fire in his hand
·         Arm muscle on show
·         Blue/red pipes
·         Both sets of eyes filled with wonder and attraction
·         Low key lighting on male, dark and mysterious
·         Danger of his fire source lighting up her fireworks
·         Colouring on the products
She is arriving into his territory, his very masculine, dirty, hot domain and all the technical codes to support these highly sexually charged connotations

Friday 18 January 2019

My marketing booklet

Top grossing films

The Jungle Book

1. What is the audience score for JB67 and JB16 on rotten tomatoes?
JB67 is 86% rotten tomatoes and JB16 is 95% rotten tomatoes.

2. Summarise some of the positive and negative responses from the audiences
The audiences of both films on a whole reacted really well and loved the films. There was only a few negative comments, mainly on the 2016 version which is because the story slightly changed from the original and it was a lot darker than the 1967 version.

3. Are there any comments that stand out to you in particular? Why?
"The Jungle Book is well-made and deserves recognition as one of the year's best family offerings (thus far)." I found this comment interesting because a lot of people said the remake wasn't as family friendly because it was quite dark compared to the comparison, as could be classed as more of a thrilling film.

4. In your opinion, why do you think merchandise (any any form of cross promotion) appeals to audiences?
I think that merchandise, and cross promotion appeals to audiences because it hypes the film up on a different level. Family audiences would be more attracted to merchandise as they have children who naturally want things which they see from films, because they love the film and want pajamas and cuddly toys from the film. Many older audiences also love merch becasue it maks them feel like a child again, where they get joy from it all.

Wednesday 16 January 2019

Film industry terminology

Mainstream film - a film which is popular with the majority of people

Independent film - a film produced outside of the major film studio system, in addition to being produced by an independent entertainment company

Production/production values - the produce of the film, how it is made and what is used to improve the film

Distribution - when the film is shared out amongst a group of people, in this case, the audience

Marketing - the action of promoting something

Exhibition/exchange -

Critical success - this is the factors which make the management achieve their goal into becoming successful

Commercial success - the amount of sales/money the company has made

Digital technology -

Jungle book old vs new

Ways ownership impacts own film production:
  • they can get away with changing the storyline to fit a wider audience and earn more money
  • they can have better/more advertisement
  • faster production
  • they have a reputation/are well known
  • popularity on social media
  • access to newest technology
  • ability to attract star marketing - good actors
  • synergy
1967 trailer - 
  • upbeat music
  • voiceover, includes facts about the movie, ie how long it look to make
  • main characters are shown and introduced
  • long clips of scenes within movie
2016 trailer -
  • dark music
  • short clips, making it faster pace
  • famous people/voices used
  • teaser voiceover
  • darker tones
How is the 2016 Jungle Book mainstream?
  • famous cast, which costs a lot
  • CGI, is expensive
  • commercial success, from other films
  • safe genre, something everyone likes

Friday 11 January 2019

Film industries

There is different stages of film, these include:
Production - Production is the creation of the film, there is multiple steps into production. The first step is development, this is where the script is written and drafted for the film. After this is the pre-production, this is where preparations for the shoot are taken, in which cast and crew are hired as well as the location being chosen and the sets being made. The actual production comes after this, where the film is recorded. Lastly, post-production takes place, this is where the film is edited, in this step any addition music and effects can be added in as well as any visual effects.

Distribution - This is how the the film goes from being created to getting out to the audience. The film is screened just for the potential buyers (distributors) and it then is picked up by a distributor and a release plan is discussed/developed. After this, the film is duplicated as many times as required so that it can be shared into cinema. This stage includes all the financial deals done to get the film into the cinema screens and to get it promoted.

Marketing - This stage includes th business of creating campaigns to promote/advertise the film, this includes posters, apps and television interviews. Films are usually released with a launch party, press releases, interviews with press and preview screenings, making the hype around the film higher. Most films have a website and trailer to them for the audience to easily access.

Exhibition - This is to do with the way people consume the films, for example, showing the film in cinema and dvd. This stage is all about how the audience see the film and the figures of the box office intake, reviews and the awards that the film achieves. The film is firstly released to cinemas in order to reach its target audience, after this it is released at selected cinemas and the dvd usually follows a few months later.

Ownership is about different film companies owning each other and providing each to her with money, ideas and finance. Major companies own others within the industry as it makes more films easier to produce. The different owner types includes:
Horizontal intergration - This is when the production company expands into other areas of one industry. It can merge with other companies that do the same thing to help eliminate competition, the profits get shared upon each company involved.
Vertical intergration -