Friday 18 January 2019

The Jungle Book

1. What is the audience score for JB67 and JB16 on rotten tomatoes?
JB67 is 86% rotten tomatoes and JB16 is 95% rotten tomatoes.

2. Summarise some of the positive and negative responses from the audiences
The audiences of both films on a whole reacted really well and loved the films. There was only a few negative comments, mainly on the 2016 version which is because the story slightly changed from the original and it was a lot darker than the 1967 version.

3. Are there any comments that stand out to you in particular? Why?
"The Jungle Book is well-made and deserves recognition as one of the year's best family offerings (thus far)." I found this comment interesting because a lot of people said the remake wasn't as family friendly because it was quite dark compared to the comparison, as could be classed as more of a thrilling film.

4. In your opinion, why do you think merchandise (any any form of cross promotion) appeals to audiences?
I think that merchandise, and cross promotion appeals to audiences because it hypes the film up on a different level. Family audiences would be more attracted to merchandise as they have children who naturally want things which they see from films, because they love the film and want pajamas and cuddly toys from the film. Many older audiences also love merch becasue it maks them feel like a child again, where they get joy from it all.

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