Tuesday 2 April 2019

Shelter charity advert

1. What is the aim of the ad?
The aim of the ad is to raise awareness to the multiple issues going on in peoples lives. It shows everyday people struggling which targets the audience and makes them sympathies.

2. What messages are being communicated (how is it communicated through media language)?
The message which is communicated is that everyone deals with issues and everyone thinks they cant do it, but with Shelter, they will help you get through it. The problem is shown through the red bold writing, as stereo typically red is shown as a problem or danger.

3. What does Shelter value (how is this communicated through media language)?

4. Who is represented and how is this constructed?
Each advert focuses on one individual, there is a man and 2 women shown, their ages differ but not massively. The man and right women are relativity young whereas the left women is older. They all look of similar class, but all have separate issues, for instance the man doesn't know where he stands as a tenant but the left women has lost her job which implies she will loose her house. The expressions on the advert are before Shelter help them, when they are still upset and unsure what to do.

Colour scheme - The image itself is very pale and dull, making the red writing stand out clearer. The dullness on the faces also reflect that they are completely low and think it cant get any better as you are pale when you are dead.

Font - The font is just very bold to state the facts and make the writing the main focus, not so much the image. The font is also see through, which makes it seem like the words are stuck into the people as they come through the writing.

Images - The images are of people who are having the problems. This is sued to gives a real life aspect to the audience and make them feel sympathy when seeing someone else in a bad situation.

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