Friday 26 April 2019

Titanium music video

  • Titanium is a song by a french DJ and music producer David Guetta featuring vocals by artist Sia.
  • 2011, it is a ballad which draws the genre of house and urban dance
  • the supernatural scene and suburban setting for the recall of the science fiction film 'super 8' in which Lee (the boy in the music video) stars in
  • The songs lyrics are about inner strength, focusing on a young boy with supernatural powers
  • The lyrics have meaning of not being affected if people 'knock you down'
Themes - 
  1. supernatural
  2. special powers
  3. inner strength
  4. standing up for whats right/what you believe in
  5. adults vs children
  6. fearful
  7. bravery
  8. panic
  9. violence
  10. fiction vs reality 
Distinct - describe in detail, setting, theme, icons, narrative, characters, textual analysis
  • main character is the little boy
  • teacher, sheriff, police officers, 2 jogging women, young boy
  • bike, keys, gun, paper. tv, torches, floating teddy bears, hat, gloves, bag
  • abandoned school, suburban north american street, his house - empty, messy, lonely, forest - night time, autumn time
  • camera tracks the boys movement
  • narrative - young boy having supernatural powers, did something to his school and cycles home, packs his things up at home, police are knocking on door, first shows super power to grab the keys and make teddy bears float, police knock down door, he runs to the forest whilst being chased and gets caught, he drops to floor and and superpowers takes place to push the officers away         
Camera - frame, angle, movement
  • camera tracks a lot of the boys movement
  • level with him to make it feel more real to us
  • camera shakes when he is on the bike to enforce the power he has
  • level medium close up static shot of the boy - opening shot
  • medium long shot, tracking backwards to show the setting of the school
  • long shot, showing multiple characters at the very end, with slow-mo 

Mise en scene - clamps, costume, lighting, actor, makeup, props, setting
  • normal everyday clothing, makes him fit in
  • lighting changes from light to dark reflecting the time of day
  • young innocent boy
  • guns, gloves, hate, bag, bike, torches
  • suburban north American street


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