Friday 8 February 2019

Radio 1 research

BBC radio offers a wide variety of different stations for different target audiences to listen to. These include Radio 1 through to Radio 6.
Radio 1 is the most fulfilling for the PSB remit, this is because they always include their audience in their stations to give ultimate entertainment, although the others may include their audience sometimes, its nearly never as much as Radio 1 do.
There is a big range of programs offered throughout the BBC radios, there should be something to appeal to everyone since every show targets different people. Radio 1, 1X, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are all very similar in what they include and offer within their show. The only slight differences between them is who they target and who presents them. Radio 4Extra is a thirty minute show which airs between 8:00 and 8:30am, where they entertain using comedy, new dramas and features, and lastly radio 5Extra is a specific show dedicated to sports news etc.

Target audiences:

  • Radio 1 - 15-29 year olds
  • Radio 1 Xtra - 15-24 year olds
  • Radio 2 - 35 years and over
  • Radio 3 - Anyone
  • Radio 4 - 35-54 year olds
  • Radio 5 - Any one interested in sport and live news
  • Radio 6 - 30-50 year olds
These target audiences are who the different radio stations aim at, it is not necessarily who actually listens to these stations.

The first presenter on Radio 1 was Tony Blackburn, he presented for nearly 6 years before being replaced. Other DJ's which have presented the Radio 1 breakfast show include, Chris Evans, Zoe Ball, Sara Cox, Chris Moyles, Nick Grimshaw and the most recent presenter, Greg James. 
Greg James, the newest presenter, took over from Nick Grimshaw in August 2018, he is a English radio DJ who was born on the 17th December 1985. He was  brought up in Lewisham, south east London and grew up to study Drama at the university of East Anglia in Norwich. 
Recently the listener figures have gained an extra 230,000 people. Greg James currently has a figure of 5.1 million listeners, compared to 4.8 million when Nick was presenting. 
Ben Cooper is the controller of radio 1, he has done this since 2011. The BBC radio is funded through television licence which is charged to all British households, companies and anyone who watches the live television broadcasts, as well as iPlayer catch up. Radio 1 is distinctive, this is shown through then playing nearly 10 times as many different tracks to their rival, Capital. They are well known for presenting a big variety of different entertainment, making them highly different to other stations.
BBC radio stations are very different to commercial stations, this is because of BBC being much stricter on brand mentioning than commercial stations. Most commercial stations are very music based, with barely any interruptions whereas BBC radio is very speech and music based, giving a higher entertainment level in comparison.

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