Monday 25 February 2019

Radio practical

We were assigned a task to create a 3 minute clip of our own radio 1 interpretation. We had to include the basic things radio 1 also include, such as news and weather, a game and an interview.
My group was me, Maisie, Kieran, George and Sam, we were all given a different role to make the clip more reliable with different people being involved. Kieran played the role of the presenter, George was the news presenter, Maisie was the interviewer, Sam was the interviewee and i played the role of the audience, who got rang during the game.
We brought the fresh idea of a new game called 'confessional friday' this involves the audience texting in their name age and number to the shows number, and us randomly picking out a few numbers to ring for them to tell us a wacky and weird confession.
We interviewer Dani Dyer as he is well known through all ages, giving maximum audience interaction. We asked him questions which would relate to an older and younger audience, for example, questions about his new show and then also questions about his daughters relationship with Jack and occurring rumors about marriage.
We chose to play the artists Sam Smith, Mabel and Post Malone and their most recent drops. This is because they are well known British artists which is what Radio 1 try to promote.
Our running order was:

  • Track - Mabel, dont call me up
  • Track - sam smith, dancing with a stranger
  • Gameshow
  • Interview
  • Track - post malone, wow
  • News
We found this the best way to fit it all together as we had a short timing slot of 3 minutes. It seemed to flow by using this order better than any other order.
Our target audience is 15-29 year old, we offer a range of young and old entertainment and it fits this age range the best.
We attracted our audience by giving the opportunity to ring in and interact with us, this can appeal to everyone in the target audience as its fun and silly. The music played also attracts the audience as it is up to date music which we choose to play.
Our remake gits into the Radio 1 remit because it entertains and attracts all of the audience. 
To improve, we could of taken out one of the songs to replace it for the weather as we did not include that in our 3 minute clip. We also could of made the game-show a bit longer to keep the fun of it and engage the audience for longer.
Our initial feedback was to make the presenters voice more upbeat and energetic and to add news. Apart from that everyone loved the game and the songs involved.
I personally think the outcome was successful, i liked the game show and the interview as well as the songs we used. If we did it again i would change some of the content which has been mentioned previously to include the weather, gaining more interaction with the audiences life and days.

This was our outcome:

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