Thursday 4 October 2018

Boys in the hood

Mise on scene -
C - Tre is presented formally with his clothes and the fact he is presented to be well educated. This contrasts to a stereotypical American boy of the era. The teacher is dressed in more informal clothing than the boy, foreshadowing the lack of responsibility and control she takes of the class.
L - Natural day lighting in used throughout.
A - The main character is the young boy and his friends. They set the scene and era of the film, making it easier to understand from the beginning.
M - There is no makeup during this.
P - The poster of the president is a key prop as it has the bullet holes through it signifying the hate and violence within the neighbourhood.
S - The setting varies from outside to inside. Whilst outside the children act as normal baring in mind theirs police sirens, gun shots and crime scenes, but they act as if that's normal to them. Whereas when their inside its as if there safer as their in school and the setting is more normal to what the audience is used to seeing.

Sound -
M - None
C - None
D - Diegetic sounds are used throughout, for example, dog barking, police sirens and gun shots. These are used to emphasise the fact the neighbourhood isn't safe.
O - The noises are shown off screen during the opening, even when the credits are being shown in front of a blank screen. This is done so that the audience immediately know what the opening is like before you see anything.
V - None
E - Confused, worried, scared, unsafe.
D - Tre is presented to be smart and intelligent for his young age, this is confirmed when his teacher rings to his mum about how developed his vocabulary and speech is.

Genre -
D - The opening includes a fact, this sympathises the audience into making them feel bad for the scenery the children live in.
I - The short trailer shows the children's take on their neighbourhood and how they live in it. The neighbourhood contrasts to a normal child's neighbourhood, which is fun and enjoyable.
S - Rough neighbourhood, stray dogs eating out of rubbish on the streets. Crime scenes.
T - violence and corruption
I - Blood and the bullets through the posters.
N - The path of following children to teenagers and showing their future.
C - The children, teacher and Tre's mother.
T - Slang has been used to help foreshadow the future of the neighbourhood.

Editing -
S - Tre has the most camera time in this clip, this shows that further on her could be the main character.
T - The transitions are very smooth to keep it as real as possible
O - The trailer is in chronological order. It presents a time period of about 1970's.
P - The pace seems very rushed at the beginning due to the gun shots and police sirens. The pace changes to slower once all the characters are introduced.
S - None

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