Monday 8 October 2018


In 1993, 90% of American media was owned by 50 different companies.
This drastically changed over the years, resulting in the same 90% being owned by only 6 different companies (known as the 'big six') in 2011.
This is bad for the media as it means creators loose control and creativity over their work/thoughts. It also means the audience get less variation of the opinions etc.. that they see online as the messages will all be the same as their coming from the same people. Having such a small amount of companies own a lot of  business means that its easier for the media to tell you what to think as there isn't a lot of opinions being shown.

Comcast is the biggest media industry, making $69 billion in revenue a year. This is because they practically own almost everything.
Walt Disney come through at $48 billion in revenue a year, which there is theories it will overtake Comcast once it fully owns 21st century fox who are currently on $32 billion in revenue.

Rupert Murdoch owns news corporation and Sky TV. He owns many newspaper including The sun and The times.
Only 3 companies own 71% of newspaper companies, which is bad as once again, the audience only get to see what are being put out to them which isn't a lot considering their is only 3 companies of thought going into it, which doesn't give a lot of opinion for the audience to bounce off of.

BBC are a public broadcaster, they don't use adverts (unless its promoting their own company) which is better for the audience as they don't have to see irrelevant things which they don't really care about. This is one of the reasons BBC is in competition with Sky.

Global tech giants are becoming more popular, for example, Netflix and apple, because they are new and the audience need new ideas to stay interested.

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