Saturday 22 September 2018

Camera shots, angles and movements

In this task, we had to recreate all these camera shots, angles and movements presented on the sheet below.

We were put into groups of 3, one person being behind the camera and the other two mix and matching imitating the camera shots. We used various props to make the shots as realistic as possible e.g. we used a chair to achieve the outcome of the birds eye view. We tried to use a white board to make it clear which shot we were attempting. We videoed every shot, angle and movement and put them all together into a longer video which is shown below, this gave a nice rolling effect as all the different camera movements ect. Are shown in action properly. We did this to experiments with the different effects the shots had when filming.

Shot sizes
XLS (extra longshot) - used for setting the scene, makes the person look isolated and vulnerable

LS (longshot) - from a considerable distance, from head to toe. Usually intended to place it in some relation to the surroundings.

MLS (medium longshot) - This shot is from the knees up. Nomrally used when theres more than one person in a shot.

MS (medium shot) - Shot from the waist up. Used to viewers can capture the characters emotion.

MCU (medium closeup) - Shot from the chest up. Often used to allow the viewer to pick up on characters movements and actions.

CU (closeup) - frames the characters head and shoulders.

BCU (big closeup) - Just the face. Can easily capture characters emotion.

XCU (extreme closeup) - Often used in horror to show a quick/instant change in emotion.

Shot angles
Low - When the camera is placed below the character, making the character seem more powerful.

Eye level - When the camera is equal level to the character, usually used when the character is speaking ect.

High - Camera looks down on the character. This belittles the character, making them seem vulnerable.

Worms eye - More dramatic than the low angle. Used for a dramatic effect, making the character seem dominant.

Canted - The camera is tilted, creating a dizzy/drunk effect.

Birds eye - An extreme high angle, used so you can see the surroundings from a distance.
Camera lens and movement
Pan - moving your camera left to right whilst its base is fixed on a certain point
Crab - The camera moves in a smooth crabbing motion
Track - A smooth walking in/out motion, gives the same effect as a 'zoom', just without the actual lens moving
Zoom (lens) - An even smoother motions than the above, it is done via the lens to no movement of the camera man has to take place, making it easier to achieve.
Ped - The whole camera moves up and down the subject vertically, different to a tilt as the whole camera follows.
Tilt - The camera stays in the same position but the angle of the camera tilts vertically up and down the subject.

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