Thursday 13 September 2018


Hyper-genre : combining 2 genres e.g. romance/comedy

This photo presents the genre romantic comedy. The overall picture is bright implying the movie wont be about scary/bad things. The flowers in the background represents romance, obviously as well as the 2 characters side by side to each other. The laughing sense in both the characters gives the implication that it is comedy as well as romance.

This photo presents the genre thriller. It is thrilling because the lighting is all dull and dark but you get the figure of the person standing in the hallway. You also get a streak of light coming through at an angle which gives it an unknown effect. The figure in the photograph has their head titled right to create the affect that the figure is mid-turning to face the viewer. This gives it a thrilling affect because it leaves the viewers unknown as to t=what the mysterious figure looks like.

1 comment:

  1. Hybrid not hyper! Hybrid genre is a combination of two or more genres.
