Tuesday 25 September 2018

Ghost ship

Ghost ship
D - This is a hyper-genre film.
I - It mixes two contrasting genres in the opening, romance and horror 
S - Its set in the middle of the sea on a cruise at night. This makes the characters seem vulnerable because if anything happened, no one would be around to help.
T - The theme initially sets off seeming romantic, this is shown in many ways. It starts as the credits are in pink swirly writing and many couples are dancing with one another whilst the woman sings a slow/romantic song. Then suddenly the theme changes to horror when the lever is pulled, sequencing in all the horrible actions took place afterwards. The music changes as it starts to echo over the loud noise of the wire moving, this gives off screen music, giving a creepy effect on the audience.
I -The icons include the lever, this is what makes everything in the movie suddenly change sois significant in this respect. The wire is also a very important icon as it is the main prop which indicates the genre of the film.
N - The narrative is the woman singing as there is no actual words said in the opening. The singer indicates the mood that the characters are feeling.
C - The main character in the opening is the woman who is singing, she seems to be given the most screen time at the beginning, this could be important later on. The focus then slowly moves to the young girl as she is the only person left alive after the wire incident.
T - 

F - 
A - When focusing on the women, the camera is mainly at eye level, this could portray that she sees everything, like shes the cameras eyes. The camera shows many shots of everyone dancing from a high/birds eye angle, showing everyone is vulnerable to whats about the happen.
M - The camera uses track movement when moving through the dance floor as if the camera was one of the dancers. It also uses crab movement when doing this to give a separate effect to the track.

C - All the characters are wearing formal clothes, implying it is a wealthy cruise. The woman singing is wearing all red which could foreshadow that something dangerous is going to happen.
L - The lighting is low key, it is nighttime so the lights are quite dull and dim. This firstly can be used to set a romantic scene but on the other hand can be used in horror.
A - 
M - 
P - The prosecco and flowers are good props to indicate wealth and the class.
S - 

S - The little girl gets the most screen time. At the start she is shown then keeps getting took back to and then at the end of the clip she is in it the whole time. They do this because it gives the audience time to try and figure out things about her instead of just immediately throwing her into it as it makes it more interesting. She also ends up being the only one left alive as she was too small to catch the wire. We dont further know why the directors did this.
T - It seems to be shown in real life, however because a lot happens in the beginning i believe it may go past in time through the rest of the movie to then build up to this scene again.
O - The clip is in chronological order
P - The pace when everything is fine is quite slow but then as soon as the lever is pushed it suddenly becomes fast pace and everything happens in such a short amount of time. They made some parts slow motion so the audience could really capture what was going on.
S -

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