Thursday 13 September 2018

Denotation and connotation

-3 younger boys on bikes, looks like their going on an adventure
-The boys are wearing certain outfits with a machine on their back
-The younger girl at the top looks more scary/powerful than the people beneath her
-The same girl has blood coming from her nose
-There is a big 'monster' in red
-The things lower to the ground are blue
-The things higher up are red
-There is pumpkins at the very edge of the page at the bottom
-All the characters are in the center
-There is lightning in the background
-There's a car and some sort of creature in the distance

-The 3 boys being at the bottom of the page could show that they are less powerful than those above them
-The boys are wearing outfits and machines, implying their are maybe fighting away monsters
-The boys are on bikes because they are being chased and arnt fast enough by themselves
-The younger girl is the most powerful, this is shown by her hand actions and the fact shes above everyone else. This could imply she is a main part of the series.
-The big monster shows danger because of the color red
-The monsters arms/legs are curving around the bunch of people, implying the characters are trapped.
-The monster is at the top of the poster, even above the girl, implying the monster overpowers the girl
-The pumpkins show the Halloween theme, which is a season known to be more scary than the others.
-All characters are bunched together, showing all the characters may come together in the series.
-The lightning in the back gives an extra effect that there is evil. But the fact its so far in the distance shows its not the main focus.
-The car and creature in the back could imply the boys being chased by them as they are the only full characters on the same level as them.


D - A popular series on Netflix
I - Which has many characters and things going on throughout the series. From the poster you can tell this as it is jam packed with different themes and colors.
S - The setting is very thrilling, with creatures/monsters in the background and also in the focus. The poster is set on a street which has nothing on it, this is done so that all the focus is on the characters and its not distracted by street houses ect.
T - The theme seems to mainly be good vs evil. This is portrayed through the colors as it is red to blue which contrasts with eachother. And red conveys danger/evil which is the opposite to blue. Blue shows the sky and good things like heaven. Character wise it will be like people vs monsters.
I - A significant prop in Stranger things is the bikes the teenage boys ride. It is shown to be important considering their are 3 of them and they are used frequently throughout the series.
N - It is an action packed series. So far it has been told over 2 seasons and they are currently working on a 3rd.
C - All the main characters are in the poster. There is a mixture of boys and girls as well as mythical characters who are used to endure the audience.
T - The camera angle is medium long shot

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