Monday 12 November 2018

Newspaper Analysis

Broadsheet (The times)
Tabloid (The daily mirror)
Who was involved?
2 twin babies
2 twin babies (Gabriel and Maria)
Parents (Cristineia and Bidhya)
Neighbours (Gui Gui)
Mothers best friend
Forensic officers
What happened?
33-year-old man was arrested in connection with the killing of a 1-year-old boy in North London.
Man was held after killing toddler with a hammer and also leaving the twin toddler in critical condition
Where did it happen?
North London, Finsbury park
Property in Hackney, North London
When did it happen?
Monday 20th March 2017, late on Saturday, 11.10pm Boy pronounced dead just before 1am.
Monday 20th March 2017, 11.10pm Saturday
How did it happen?
Doesn’t say how it happened
Happened with the weapon of a hammer
Why did it happen?
Doesn’t say
Doesn’t say
What do you notice about the difference in content and how the articles convey this information? Why do you think that is?
The times presents their information in a more formal way, this gives the audience more comfort because the newspaper isn’t worrying. The use of the word ‘arrested’ shows that the nasty man is locked away and won’t be able to do further damage. They also give no detailed information or information about the weapon used. The pictures they use are minimal, they don’t tell the whole story in the picture so that it will intrigue people into reading the article instead
The daily mirror conveys a more informal aspect, making the audience a bit more on edge. The use of the word ‘held’ to describe how the man had been caught, implies he might be let back out whereas the broadsheet shuts it down by saying he’s been arrested. The daily mirror shows lots more pictures, involving the exact building, the parents and the weapon. This gives the audience more initial information, and by seeing the pictures they can interpret the story. The title is also much more bold than the broadsheet, making it stand out more.

1 comment:

  1. It was the Guardian sorry! Could you upload a photo of the articles so you can see when you're revising what you mean.
