Tuesday 6 November 2018


Representations are the way in which people, events and ideas are presented to the audience. The media takes something which is already there and re-presents it in the way they choose. They are created by the producers of media texts, what they choose to show to us is controlled by gatekeepers.

Dominant ideology - idea that we are ruled by white middle class, christian, straight men
Stereotypes - media industries use stereotypes because the audience will understand them, this is known as a 'visual shortcut'.
Archetypes - This is the ultimate/extreme stereotype e.g. white stiletto wearing, big busted, brainless, blonde
Counter type - A representation that challenges tradition stereotypical associations of groups, people and places

D - disability - physical and mental
R - regional identity - a stereotypical area e.g. Essex
C - class - posh vs. not / rich vs. poor
A - age - difference in ages, teenagers are 'moody', 'lazy'
G - gender - stereotypical women roles compared to mens e.g. stay at home mother who cooks
E - ethnicity - racist
S - sexuality - Bisexual, gay, lesbian, transvestite e.g. Ru pauls drag race programme

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